Business of the Week: Spitfire Tacos
This taqueria located on Pleasant Street in Marblehead is unlike any other typical taqueria, its menu strays from the typical taco adding a level of creativity that...
Community uproar surrounding increase in household income
Recently on the Boston Globe residents across the state have been able to search their average household income change from 2018 to the present, in Marblehead residents...
Marblehead’s top stories of the year
Between a humpback whale on the coast and the teachers standing their ground, Marblehead has seen quite an array of news in 2024. Below are four of the top stories...
Polar plunge raises funds for cystic fibrosis
This New Year’s Day, Marblehead residents will take the plunge for an important cause. On Jan. 1, 2025, local families—including parents and children—will...
Marblehead Schools among best in state for MCAS scores
Although the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) will no longer be a graduation requirement, Marblehead Public Schools (MPS) still prove to be among...
Business of the Week: The Little Store
Tucked in a small neighborhood in Marblehead sits, quite literally, a little store where locals can bring their wine and sit down for a freshly made plate of pasta. ...
Shining light on the Hanukkah celebrations
Marblehead kicked off its Hanukkah celebrations this season with a community menorah lighting and continued over the weekend with a Hanukkah event at Temple Emanu-El,...
Sox add Wicked Ducks of Marblehead to lineup
Wicked Ducks, a local store owned by Courtney and Mandy Lobraico, has partnered with the Red Sox Foundation to support various causes. Wicked Ducks, located on...
Date set for annual Christmas tree bonfire
Every year after the Christmas season ends, trees are stripped of decorations and prepared for disposal. But in Marblehead, tree disposal takes on a more festive...
Good news, bad news
The Finance Committee and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) discussed Marblehead’s upcoming financial forecast for fiscal year 2026 (FY26), highlighting both positive...