On Saturday the Marblehead Police Department (MPD) and the Northeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (NEMLEC) made a timely response to an individual experiencing a mental health crisis that possibly saved their life.
Around 8 p.m. across the Marblehead Facebook groups, locals asked about the numerous sirens and high police presence throughout the town. Some said they saw the SWAT and K9 units while others pointed out the silence emanating from the police scanners.
After the commotion subsided, the MPD released a statement on their Facebook page regarding the police presence.
At 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, police were sent to conduct a well-being check on an individual experiencing a mental health crisis, according to the press release. After unsuccessfully making contact with the individual, MPD requested NEMLEC’s assistance.
Due to all the noise on social media, MPD wanted to make it clear that at no point was the public in danger as the area was secure and clear upon their arrival.
Luckily, MPD and NEMLEC were eventually able to make contact with the individual and get them the help they needed.
“This incident shows that cooperation between multiple agencies, both law enforcement and non-enforcement, is required to handle difficult mental health calls,” the press release stated.
During calls similar to this one, police officers become more than just law enforcement. Their timely response and quick thinking to request NEMLEC potentially saved the life of the individual.
Comments under the press release filled with thanks and gratitude towards the MPD for their quick response and for assisting the individual properly.
“The best result possible occurred, nobody was hurt, and the individual was transported for appropriate care,” the press release wrote.