A statement from Town Moderator, Jack Attridge.
Marblehead’s Annual Town Meeting will be called to order on Monday, May 5, at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Middle School Performing Arts Center.
Town Meeting gathers us as the legislative body of our government to conduct the town’s business. The meeting represents the purest form of democracy, for which we are privileged to have. Its primary responsibilities include legislating bylaw and zoning changes and approving the town’s annual operating budget. Other business, in proper form, may also be presented and voted upon.
The warrant serves as the agenda for the meeting. Submissions for citizen articles remain open until noon on Jan. 24. The deadline for municipal submissions is noon on Jan. 31, when the warrant officially closes. Citizens may find petition forms on Marblehead.org under the “Town Meeting” button. My contact information is also available there, and I encourage anyone with questions about Town Meeting or submissions to reach out to me at any time.
Preparing for Town Meeting requires a tremendous effort from elected and appointed volunteer residents, and from the town’s administrative staff. The public may attend a number of the meetings leading up to Town Meeting, and most of these include opportunities for public comment. Many of the sessions are accessible online via Zoom and can be found under the “Public Meetings” tab or on the homepage of Marblehead.org.
The State of the Town meeting, typically held on the last Wednesday of January, unofficially kicks off the budget review process and preparations for Town Meeting. The State of the Town meeting, run by the Select Board, provides a look back at the previous year and outlines plans for the year ahead, although much of the preparation happens year-round.
One of the most critical components of Town Meeting is approving the operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year (at May Town Meeting, this will be FY2026). The Finance Committee reviews items impacting the budget and makes recommendations to Town Meeting.
This year, with assistance from ClearGov, our new budgeting software, the Finance Committee collaborated closely with the Finance Director and Town Administrator to break down our approximately $115,000,000 budget.
This tool has introduced a level of detail and data analysis previously unavailable, enabling town leaders to plan and forecast more effectively. ClearGov is accessible on Marblehead.org through the Financial Services or Select Board Department tabs.
As a longtime Town Meeting attendee, I have always strived to encourage participation in this venerable tradition. As Town Moderator, I continuously seek ways to improve the process and boost attendance. To ensure the most informed citizenry possible, I will promote public meetings and hearings in the coming months that provide essential context for each article presented at Town Meeting. These meetings are open to all.