This taqueria located on Pleasant Street in Marblehead is unlike any other typical taqueria, its menu strays from the typical taco adding a level of creativity that customers have grown to enjoy. Spitfire Tacos began in 2020 in Salem and after a boom in customers, the owners decided to open the Marblehead location in 2021. The manager of the Marblehead location, … [Read more...] about Business of the Week: Spitfire Tacos
Pleasant Street
Historic Building of the Week: A roller-skating rink lost to time
I am really bad at roller skating. I got a pair of roller skates during my junior year of college in an effort to get outside more, but after trying them out in my dorm and later on my parents’ driveway, I realized that it might not be the sport for me. I’m decent at ice skating, but that’s irrelevant. Maybe if the roller-skating rink on Pleasant Street was still open, … [Read more...] about Historic Building of the Week: A roller-skating rink lost to time
Historic Building of the Week: Rechabite Block
That brick building by the National Grand Bank. You know, sort of across from the Riptide. Yeah, it’s attached to the Warwick. That is how you might refer to 107 Pleasant St., which is at the corner of Pleasant and School streets. This building actually has a name, and that name is Rechabite Block. Rechabite Block was born out of the ashes of the 1888 fire, … [Read more...] about Historic Building of the Week: Rechabite Block
Historic Building of the Week: 29 Pleasant St.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from a reader named Ron. In his kind email, he suggested I look into the building at 29 Pleasant St. So, Ron, here we go. 29 Pleasant St. is a unique historic building not because some really famous person lived there or something extravagant happened there. Rather, 29 Pleasant St. is unique because it is one of very few – if not the … [Read more...] about Historic Building of the Week: 29 Pleasant St.