Articles for the Annual Town Meeting warrant are due on Jan. 20 for town departments and boards, and Jan. 27 for the general public, after the Select Board at its most recent meeting formally opened the warrant.
The Annual Town Meeting will be held on May 1, 2023 at the Marblehead Veterans Middle School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Town Meeting is held on the first Monday in May each year.
“It’s that time of year again, hard to believe,” said Select Board Chair Moses Grader.
Marblehead operates under an open Town Meeting form of government, allowing all registered voters in town to participate. Some neighboring communities, including Swampscott, operate under a representative Town Meeting, where voters elect Town Meeting members to represent them and vote on warrant articles.
Warrant articles may be sponsored by members of the Select Board, town departments or by any citizen who has obtained the signatures of ten registered voters, according to the town website.
The 2022 Annual Town Meeting warrant featured 48 articles and stretched across two nights as voters debated debt overrides, a leaf blower ban, and a move to officially rename the Board of Selectmen the Select Board.