Historic Building of the Week: 6 Mount Vernon St.
I cannot deny it, I love buildings that look weird. Sure, a historic home that serves as an example of what and how contemporary people were building is great if...

Historic Building of the Week: 2 Union St.
The Four Corners Monument marks the only quadripoint of state borders in the United States. Here, the states of Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico meet at one...

Historic Building of the Week: 3 Ticehurst Lane
The cottage at 3 Ticehurst Lane is Very. No, that is not a typo, and there is nothing left out of the previous sentence. 3 Ticehurst Lane is also known as the Very-Whittem...

Historic Building of the Week: Maverick
Maybe I have spent too much time riding the Blue Line, but when I hear the word “maverick,” I think of a rapid-transit stop, not a Marblehead neighborhood. The...

Historic Building of the Week: Marblehead Neck
Every head needs a neck to support it – even Marblehead. Marblehead Neck was not always the highly-desirable spot it is today. It long sat relatively empty, with...

Historic Building of the Week: The Sparhawk House
I am not always able to find historical photographs of the houses I write about. Sometimes, all I can ask for is a square on a map or a portrait of one of the residents....

Historic Building of the Week: Marblehead Shoe Hospital
There was a hospital in Marblehead, except the focus was less on treating souls than it was fixing soles. Of course, I am talking about the Marblehead Shoe Hospital,...

Historic Building of the Week: Thomas McCool Tobacco & Variety Store
61 Atlantic Ave. was on the tiny-house trend before it was cool. In the Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS), the building is also referred...

Historic Building of the Week: The Alfred Irvin House
As you all likely know, February is Black History Month. You probably have also noticed that much of the history in these Historic Buildings of the Week fails to...

Historic Building of the Week: 7 Franklin St.
Marblehead is full of ghosts. Lining the streets are spirits of the past, each with their own story to tell. Each has seen the town and its people change, grow,...