To the editor:
Who, what, where, when, etc.
I still want to get my news from print, but it does not help when important elements of the news are omitted. Marblehead is full of controversy about budgets and more so on the school oversight and funding.
Last week’s coverage noted that the Select Board approved extra dollars to fund $250.000 for important positions that would be eliminated. OK, what were those positions, lunch monitors or math teachers? How can we understand if we should support an overpayment that we did not approve if you do not tell us what this expenditure is for?
I cannot believe that a reporter did not ask that question and the editor did not request that information to be in the report.
We are asked to vote for individuals, but how can we when you report the board did whatever and not tell us who said what and if there were different opinions put forth?
We have a series of funding issues, the least of which is the dump. Why hasn’t the paper told us the name of the town officials responsible for these difficulties (note that I am being kind)?
In business, there is always someone responsible who can be called upon to take responsibility, good or bad. It seems that in our governance, there is no one to take responsibility for the outcome and I hoped that our reporters should do something to inform us. But this is only one of my random thoughts.
Wayne Stemmer