To the Editor:
As part of the 16th annual Boston Bruins PJ Drive, Abbot Public Library collected pajama donations for babies, children, and teens from Feb. 10 through March 15. With the generous support of our local community, we collected 72 pairs of pajamas for the children who need them most out of a grand total of more than 9,302!
To those who contributed to the drive, whether by donating pajamas, making an online donation, or even by liking and sharing our social media posts or articles from the newspapers or spreading the word in any way: thank you! Because of your generosity and support, so many children will be getting much needed pajamas.
If you were unable to make a donation and still want to contribute, donations continue to be accepted online at The drive benefits Cradles to Crayons and Wonderfund MA, two nonprofits that ensure positive living conditions for children. It is run annually in collaboration with the Boston Bruins, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, and other libraries, schools, and organizations.
Read more about Abbot Public Library’s donation drive at
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners work with the Boston Bruins to coordinate library participation in the PJ Drive. For more information visit