The Lab Project (TLP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Marblehead with a mission to make laboratory sustainability more accessible. Founded to provide pro bono consulting services to small, growing laboratories in the life sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries, they provide access to financial and advising resources that are specifically dedicated to achieving sustainable research operations.
“We unburden the staff, and we are shifting the industry,” said the founder and executive director Steven Miller.
Small labs typically are underserviced and lack access to sustainability resources, that is the need Miller sees for founding this project. By offering guidance as a nonprofit, his team takes the money issue off the table and provides access to solutions.
The team has led the development of laboratory efficiency programs in the utility industry and is a part of local and national organizations dedicated to green laboratory practices. There would be a tailored plan for each lab practice in both the short and long-term.
“We walk them through a discussion regarding their electric and water use, waste and biohazard management, and offer behavioral, no cost, solutions for using equipment in the lab.” Miller gave more explanation.
A handful of individual labs and a number of incubator groups that manage multiple labs have joined the project. As labs in incubators grow up and find lab space of their own, TLP can establish a sustainability path addressing all the issue areas all at once, as they are moving.
Miller said, “that approach increases our climate change impact, which is our ultimate goal.”